The first trimester of the 2020-21 school comes to a close this Thanksgiving week, and we have much to be thankful for. Here are just six of the things for which we give thanks as we look forward to a great second trimester.
In the spring, the possibility of a (fairly) normal opening in the fall was far from guaranteed. And yet, with God’s protection of our families, staff, and faculty, much planning and preparing and precaution, and the cooperation of the whole Windsor community, school did open! We are so very thankful to have spent the last few months learning together.

2. The WCA Highlanders’ First Soccer Season
Not only did our long-dreamed-of soccer team become reality this fall, it also dribbled, passed, and scored its way straight to the top of its league. Our Highlanders, under Coach Sebra and Coach Josiah, finished a phenomenal first season by winning the Atlantic Coast Christian Athletic Conference championships. Go Highlanders!
3. Middle School Learning in Action

Our middle school students jumped back into on-campus life with gusto, from their mock election (congratulations to President Tommy and his Bells of Unity party for their win after a close race left the middle school House of Representatives to confirm the outcome!) to the Novel Cereal reading projects that has us hungry for the next good read.
4. Bringing the (Not-So-Wild) Wildlife to Campus
A year with fewer field trips doesn’t have to mean a year with fewer new experiences,

as the elementary students who hatched ducklings in their classrooms can tell you. Mrs. Smedley even posted a live cam of her class's ducklings for the whole school to enjoy.
5. Mrs. Hendrickson
The close of the first trimester brings the close of Mrs. Hendrickson’s career at Windsor, as she looks forward to retirement. While we don't celebrate her leaving, we thank God for the many years we have enjoyed the privilege of having her at WCA. She has brought warmth, patience, and downright fun to loving and teaching our students over the decades, and we will miss her terribly. As she moves on to the next phase to which God has called her family, we pray all the best for her. We’ll always hear her voice in chorus with her first graders when we’re tempted to complain: they’ll be cheerfully reminding us, “Quityerbellyachin’!”

6. Wild Turkey Trot & Windsor Wonderland Shoppe
This fall has brought two new ways for Windsor families to put the “fun” in “fundraiser.” Over Thanksgiving break, we’ll run the Wild Turkey Trot 5k. When WCA students return from break, they will have the chance to shop at our Windsor Wonderland Shoppe, full of items donated by local businesses and families. We’re grateful for all the work that has gone into making these fundraisers enjoyable for our students AND a great support to our school.