Options abound for parents seeking an excellent education for their children. So what makes Windsor unique?
Here’s a snapshot of the Windsor difference.
We are Christian: We strive to be sure that every aspect of life at Windsor is Christ-centered. Students have daily Bible class and weekly chapel. They are given the lifelong treasure of having God’s word hidden in their hearts through Scripture memory, catechism memory, and learning biblical truth through hymns and songs throughout their years at Windsor.
We are classical: And that’s about a lot more than Greek and Latin! Rather than drifting with each trend that blows through the educational world, Windsor uses the time-tested classical approach. Want to learn more? Check out this post.
We are personal: We are committed to keeping class sizes small, so that each year your child is at Windsor, you can be sure their teacher will have the chance to know him or her an individual, with individual strengths and needs.
We love to learn: Sometimes, learning means buckling down to plain old hard work, but we also think learning is fun. Students take specials classes--art, Latin, media, music, and physical education--and have the opportunity to participate in things like underwater robotics club, a Shakespeare festival, photography or debate clubs, and the national geography bee.
We love to explore: Taking learning on the road makes for some of the best days of the school year. While it varies from year to year, some favorite field trips in recent years have included the colonial plantation, Elmwood Zoo, The Nutcracker ballet, the planetarium, the Penn Museum (mummies!), the Philadelphia Art Museum, Sight and Sound, Valley Forge, and Longwood Gardens. Our area is rich with things to see and learn from, and we make every effort to make the most of that!
We enjoy the extras: In addition to the above, students can choose to participate in extracurriculars throughout the year. Past favorites have included basketball, cross country, baton twirling, worship dance, chorus, and track.
We want to serve: We are called to follow serve those around us, as modeled by Christ himself, and our students have many opportunities to give back to the community, both locally and around the world, through food drives, tending a food bank garden, supporting Chester County Women’s Services, an ongoing relationship with Frederick Living retirement home, and support for children’s literacy programs in India and Africa.
Could Windsor make all the difference for your students? Contact us to find out more!